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Global Sun Ovenâ„¢
370 $CA

Includes : Built in thermometer, attached one piece collapsible reflectors, spill-proof levelator, self-contained leveling leg

Global Sun Oven™
The Ultimate Solar Appliance!

  • Cooks Any Kind of Food with the Power of the Sun - No Fuel Needed!
  • Reaches Temperatures of 360 to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit!
  • Totally Safe - No Danger of Fire!
  • Used Daily in 126 Countries Around the World! Ruggedly Built for Years of Trouble-Free Use!
  • As Portable as a Small Suitcase!
global sun oven      global sun oven closed

SUN OVENS have been adopted by everyone...

·         From governments in developing countries looking for solutions to deforestation - to North American families looking for a way to bake without heating up their kitchens.

·         From women in the jungles of Africa who can't find wood to cook with - to deer hunters in North America who love moist venison.

·         From Americans concerned with power disruptions and increasing fuel costs - to Pakistani women who can not afford the high cost of fuel to make their dinner.

·         From ice fishermen in Minnesota baking their catch on a frozen lake - to desert dwellers in Kuwait baking lamb.

·         From RV enthusiasts looking for fresh moist roasts - to environmentalists trying to preserve the planet for future generations.

·         From micro-bakeries in Honduras making bread and pastries to an orphanage in Uganda feeding hundreds daily.

I´ve tried it myself last Sunday and it worked fine, although it´s 
winter time here. It´s more well finished, attractive and efficient than I thought. 

- Alberto Marques of Luanda-Angola, Africa

UPS delivered my sun oven in mid July and I happened to have some whole wheat pizza dough in the freezer. I immediately put my brand new, outof the box Sun Oven out on the patio and positioned it. I hastily defrosted the dough and then baked it like bread. I was like a two year old, every 10 minutes, "is it ready yet?" The bread was great and I didn't heat up my un-air conditioned Nevada house on that summer afternoon. 
- Mary Smith Of Reno, Nevada

Helps You Harness the Power of the Sun

One source of power that never fails is the light of the sun. Whether you're dealing with a power outage, or just plain conserving energy, the Global Sun Oven can cook anything that can be baked in a conventional oven. It lets you harness the power of the sun to cook without fuel. 

Lets You Create Your Favorite Recipes

With the Global Sun Oven you can cook almost anything - breads, cakes, muffins, pizza, vegetables, poultry, fish, meats, casseroles, grains, pasta and desserts, just to name a few. 

Provides High Cooking Temperatures

Sun Ovens reach temperatures of 360 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, which are more than sufficient to bake, boil, or steam your favorite foods - wherever you happen to take your Global Sun Oven. 

Makes Foods Taste Better

Sun-baked foods stay moister and have less shrinkage than conventional oven-cooked foods. Also, with the Global Sun Oven there is never any burning or scorching to ruin a meal. 

Is Totally Safe

Because of the unique way the Global Sun Oven operates, there is never a danger of fire. 

Is Ruggedly Built

The Global Sun Oven is not a toy. It is a serious appliance that is made for years of trouble-free use. Each Sun Oven is constructed with a strong plastic case that is both durable and easy to clean. It uses Reflexo specular-finish reflectors and a tempered glass door to retain the sun's powerful heat. The Sun Oven features an easily adjustable, self-contained leveling leg to maintain the oven's maximum exposure to the sun, while a built-in Levelator keeps foods level inside the oven to avoid spills. 

Is Totally Portable

You can take and use the Global Sun Oven virtually anywhere there is sunshine. When the oven is closed it is as portable as a small suitcase. It measures just 19'' x 19'' and weighs only 21 pounds. It even has a convenient built-in carry-handle. 

Is a Great Hedge Against Power Interruptions

With a Global Sun Oven, you will be prepared for any interruption to traditional power sources. You will be able to cook any kind of food as well as boil water. You can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that as long as there is sunshine, you will have all the power you need to cook your meals. 

For the past 13 years, Global Sun Ovens have been used successfully in 126 countries around the world. Thousands of cooking enthusiasts in the United States and around the world are using the Global Sun Oven and appreciate the unparalleled features and benefits of using the best manufactured solar cooking device in the world. 

If you want to experience the superior taste and nutritional benefits of sun-baked foods, the Global Sun Oven will prove to be a wise investment. 



The GLOBAL SUN OVEN  is often compared with box cookers that are made out of aluminum foil and cardboard.  While the energy conversion principles are the same, the materials utilized in manufacturing a GLOBAL SUN OVEN have been carefully researched to include the most efficient materials available.  In order to capture the maximum amount of energy, achieve the highest possible temperature and retain the greatest amount of heat possible while minimizing the weight, the materials utilized have been selected based on efficiency and quality. 

For this reason the cost of a GLOBAL SUN OVEN is higher than what many people expect.  When you compare a GLOBAL SUN OVEN to a conventional oven that will reach the same temperatures, it is a real bargain.  When you add to it the savings achieved by not having to pay for fuel, and the fact that it will last with heavy use for 15 years, the total cost/ benefit ratio is unbelievable, not to mention the enhanced taste of food and environmental benefits that cooking with the sun provides. 

The reflectors are made with mirror-finished anodized aluminum.  They will not oxidize, rust, or corrode.  While this material is extremely efficient and aids in achieving superior performance, it adds a great deal to the price required to produce a GLOBAL SUN OVEN.  (Over 50% of the total material cost goes into producing the reflectors.)  The design of the reflectors allows for maximum energy capture while being able to fold up in a matter of seconds for easy storage. 

The black inner shell is formed from aluminum that has been coated with a non-toxic, high temperature powder coating.  This coating absorbs the sun's energy and enhances your ability to clean the oven, while providing a durable non-rusting surface that will last for years.  This coating is baked on and does not emit any toxic fumes like other industrial paints or coatings do as the temperature increases.  Unfortunately, both the material and the powder coating process add cost. 

The interior of the GLOBAL SUN OVEN is completely surrounded by a thick batt of non-toxic fiberglass insulation (normally found in commercial ovens and furnaces).  This insulation helps the oven store hot air and allows the oven to be used year round. 

The outer shell of the GLOBAL SUN OVEN is made of a highly durable ABS plastic, which makes it easy to clean while remaining lightweight and portable. (The total weight is only 21 pounds.) 

The gasket that seals the oven chamber is made from a patented material specifically designed to withstand UV radiation.  It forms an air-tight seal to hold heat in while preventing out-gassing from building up in the ovens chamber. (This material is warranted for 15 years not to split or crack.) 

The wooden bezel is made of a specially milled kiln dried hardwood, which has been stained for years of protection from the weather.  The stain has been specifically designed to protect the wood from the UV radiation of the sun. 

Other GLOBAL SUN OVEN features, which add cost and yet improve utility and performance are...

The unique levelator which keeps your food from spilling when you adjust the GLOBAL SUN OVEN to follow the sun.  (The levelator is easily removed to make cleaning easier or expand the baking area.)

·          An adjustable leveling leg which allows the oven to be easily raised or lowered to follow the sun in the horizon.

·          A suitcase-like carrying handle which makes moving and storing the GLOBAL SUN OVEN very easy and convenient.

Most Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) about the Global Sun Oven.

What can I cook in a Global Sun Oven?

Anything you can cook in a conventional electric or gas oven can be cooked in a Global Sun Oven. You can bake, boil and steam using any of your favorite recipes. 

What is the cooking temperature range?

The Global Sun Oven will reach temperatures of 360 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The oven will generally reach its maximum temperature as it is being preheated. The temperature will drop when food is placed in the chamber. 

Will food prepared in a Global Sun Oven taste the same as food prepared in my conventional oven?

The food tastes much better! Solar cooking allows many of the natural flavors of food, which get baked out in conventional ovens, to remain. The slow, even rise in temperatures in a Global Sun Oven gives the complex carbohydrates time to break down into simple sugars allowing subtle natural flavors to emerge. Sun baked foods stay moist, the natural internal juices do not bake out, resulting in a superior, moist taste and much less shrinkage. 

How long does it take?

Cooking times are close to the same as those in a conventional oven. Because the sun is often trying to run away and hide behind clouds, cooking times can vary. At times it may take a little longer. The factors that affect the cooking time are: the quality of the sunlight at the time you are cooking, the types and quantities of the food being cooked, and how often the oven is being refocused. 

Does a Global Sun Oven require special pots and pans?

No, but dark, thin-walled pots with lids work best. Dark pots change the light from the sun into heat energy. Lids are important because they hold steam in the pot. If a lid is not used the steam will dissipate much of the heat. Shiny aluminum pots and pans cause light to be reflected out thereby reducing the oven's temperature. Glass casserole dishes with lids also work well. For baking cakes, breads, cookies, and pies, dark cookie sheets and baking tins work best. 

Does food need to be stirred?

No. Stirring to prevent scorching is not required when cooking in a Global Sun Oven due to the fact that there are no hot spots. The temperature of the food rises evenly. It is almost impossible to burn food in a Global Sun Oven




STG Insect Killer
STG Insect Killer
296 $CA
222 $CA